Sibling relationships can be one of the most enduring and important relationships children can have. Maintaining connections between siblings when they are living separately in out-of-home care can be challenging particularly when there is significant geographical distance between them, age gaps or poor communication between the adults in their lives such as carers and caseworkers.

Caseworkers can support sibling relationships through

  • Accurate identification and records of sibling connections early on
  • Supporting co-placement
  • Helping siblings to stay in touch when they live separately
  • Communicating and planning with caseworkers of siblings
  • Facilitating relationships between children’s different carers
  • Creating opportunities for shared experiences and memories


The Linking Lives resource suggests ways caseworkers can promote ‘linked lives’ for siblings so they can be part of their ‘social convoy’ over their lifespan. Download resource:

Online gaming can be a creative way to keep siblings connected when they live separately. Download our resources which include suggestions of child-friendly online games that siblings can play and tips for ensuring safety when online gaming:

Recommended reading

Luu, B., Conley Wright, A., Cashmore, J. (2020). Sibling networks of children adopted from out-of-home care in New South Wales, Australia. Children and Youth Services Review, 119, 1-10.