Learning Session 3

In June 2021, our action research teams from each project site came together on Wiradjuri Country in Dubbo for our third learning session of the project. The learning session was held at Taronga Western Plains Zoo and was an important opportunity for each locally-based team to connect with each other and share their experiences. The teams presented their practice learnings and insights from action research cycle 2 and engaged in reflective discussions about supporting co-regulation, carer coaching and strengthening Aboriginal children’s cultural and Kinship connections.
Highlights included a Cultural Education Program at Jinchilla Gardens led by Uncle Lewis Burns and Aunty Diane Riley-McNaboe. The Program featured performances by the Talbragar Wiradjuri Aboriginal Dancers and interactive sessions that gave the project’s action researchers and research team the opportunity to learn Aboriginal dancing and weaving techniques.
We were also joined by Kate Alexander, Senior Practitioner at NSW Department of Communities and Justice who gave a presentation about the DCJ Practice Framework and its interconnections with the Fostering Lifelong Connections project.
Check out this video for highlights from the event: https://youtu.be/zHnryPj-jUY