Fostering Lifelong Connections is a collaboration between researchers at the Research Centre for Children and Families, the University of Sydney, as well as partner investigators, out-of-home care caseworkers (action researchers) and an expert reference group that includes people with lived experience of the out-of-home care system.

Chief Investigator



Partner Investigators
• Professor Elsbeth Neil University of East Anglia, UK
• Professor Peter Pecora University of Washington and Casey Family Programs
• Matthew Jones NSW Department of Communities and Justice
• Dr Robert Urquhart Barnardos Australia
Action Researchers
Two caseworkers and their manager from each of the eight partner organisations participated as action researchers in the project. They formed four location-based teams and met monthly to engage in reflective practice, peer support and shared learning.

Hear participating caseworkers discuss the value of reflective practice and communities of practice in the video below.